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2019-10-10 0 comments

Zoroastrian Museum of History, Culture and Art is one of the museums in Yazd where tourists can get information about Zoroastrian customs and get to know their culture closely. The first phase of the museum was inaugurated at Esfandiar Optional in Nowruz 3 and has various sections.

The museum is part of the Yazd Marqari complex and is located in the basement. The Yazd Historical Complex, dating back to national history, was founded about six years ago by a well-meaning person named Pushoton J. Markar and has been used as an orphanage, boarding school, primary school and high school.

The museum is close to the Zoroastrian Fire Temple of Yazd and is about 5 minutes' walk away.

Museum sections
At the beginning of the museum, visitors will be introduced to the biography of Jay Markar, the founder of the Yazd Marquard Collection, and Nick Andishani, who paid for the museum's startup.

In the first part of the museum, there is a description of the Ashwarths and the Book of the Gathas, and visitors are introduced to the various Zoroastrian rituals and ceremonies.

Exhibition of traditional Zoroastrian priests and women is another part of the museum.

The following section shows the rituals of the deceased and the belongings of the old houses and a section dedicated to the shrines of Zoroastrians.

In the last part of the series, the kitchen of an old house with the relevant appliances is displayed.

The architecture is designed to get the most out of the sun and keep a lot of energy in it.

The complex used water, cattle, pens and aqueducts to supply the water they needed, all of which were accessible. Old bathrooms and toilets in the complex also provide visitors with a glimpse into the lifestyle of people five years ago.

One of the slogans of this museum is continuous improvement, the museum will be more attractive than it was yesterday.

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